In a deeply disturbing development, footage has emerged showing correctional officers at Marcy Correctional Facility in upstate New York engaging in a brutal attack on an inmate, Robert Brooks, who was handcuffed during the incident. Robert Brooks, who had been serving a 12-year sentence for first-degree assault since 2017, was pronounced dead on December 10 at Wynn Hospital in Utica, following the assault, as reported by CNN.
The video, recorded by body-worn cameras and released by New York Attorney General Letitia James on Friday, captures the moment correctional officers surround Brooks, who is restrained, before proceeding to punch and kick him. The footage has sparked outrage and prompted an immediate investigation by the Attorney General’s Office.
New York Attorney General Letitia James has promised swift action in response to the incident. “This footage is not only shocking but also deeply disturbing,” James stated in a press conference. “We will use every tool at our disposal to ensure a thorough investigation and that justice is served for Robert Brooks and his family.”
The specifics of what led to the confrontation are still under investigation, but the video clearly shows an excessive use of force by the officers involved. This incident has raised serious questions about the treatment of inmates and the oversight of correctional staff within New York’s prison system.
Governor Kathy Hochul has already responded by ordering the termination of 14 correctional facility employees involved in the incident, as part of an internal review. This move underscores the state’s commitment to accountability and reform within its correctional facilities.
The release of this video has not only highlighted issues at Marcy Correctional Facility but has also reignited broader conversations on prison reform, the welfare of inmates, and the ethical conduct expected of those tasked with their care and custody.
The investigation by Attorney General James is ongoing, with more details expected to emerge as the case progresses. The public and advocacy groups are closely watching how this case will influence future policies and practices in New York’s correctional system.